The Danny Palmer Show
New episodes every Wednesday. A curation of interesting/funny/inspiring things from the week and occasional interviews. Drinking/getting high while listening is strongly encouraged. https://www.patreon.com/thedannypalmershow
Podcasting since 2019 • 410 episodes
The Danny Palmer Show
Latest Episodes
Apparently We're, Like, Living Inside A Black Hole
This week on the ole pod john: Childhood dreams, living inside a black hole, bowling a turkey, and seeing your friends through rose colored glasses.
Season 1
Episode 404

Black Out Rage Gallon
This week on the ole pod john: BORGs, gow to achieve happiness, pandemic reflections, and is it true that "life is suffering?"
Season 1
Episode 403

Abundance Mindset
This week on the ole pod john: Is creatine effective? Also: Balance, working hard, and scarcity vs. abundance.
Season 1
Episode 402