The Danny Palmer Show
New episodes every Wednesday. A curation of interesting/funny/inspiring things from the week and some interviews, too. Drinking/getting high while listening is strongly encouraged. https://www.patreon.com/thedannypalmershow
The Danny Palmer Show
The Halloween Episode: A Three Minute Story About A Drift Dive I Did In High School
This week on the pod: Drift dives in the Atlantic are sick but scary. Plus Sia.
I should have explained a drift dive better:
Drift diving is a type of scuba diving where the diver is transported by the water movement caused by the tide, an ocean current or in a river.
Aka hopefully the strong current of the Atlantic Ocean doesn't pull you to your death. Ideally you and the boat will be drifting at the same rate of speed.
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@blackcatcomedy (NYC stand-up show every Friday at 9 pm. 172 Rivington St.)
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